Summary: | This research is to calcute the reserves of hydrocarbons in the AINO and
AKASHI field on South Sumatra Basin which are included into the working area of
the JOB Pertamina- Talisman, Ltd. The calculation of hydrocarbons with volumetric
method has two important steps i.e. petrophysics analysis and seismic interpretation.
Petrophysics analysis to calculate the values of the properties of rocks physics such as
shale volume, porosity, water saturation, and thickness of the reservoar. While the
interpretation of seimik is to estimate the area.
After obtaining the area from seismic interpretation, a depth structure map is
made. In addition, it is also made some maps based on petrophysics analysis results
i.e., net to gross map that shows the value of the thickness of the prospect reservoir
zone, net-porosity map that shows the spread of effective porosity value, and net
water saturation map that shows the spread of the water saturation value on the netpay
These maps are used in the calculation of hydrocarbon that is calculated by
Standard Cubic Feet Billion units (ScF) or equivalent to one billion ScF of gas and
Stock Tank Barrel Milion (MMSTB) or equivalent to one million STB to petroleum.
Then it brings the results of hydrocarbon reserves amounted to 3.78 BScF for the gas
and 61.78 MMSTB to the petroleum.