Summary: | Background :Academic performance is an indicator of achievement in educational
process. On the other hand, malnutrition as a main problem in health�s world can
affect children�s growth and mental development, which in turn may determine
someone�s achievement in academic learning. Nutrition status is called an internal
factor of studying performance, whereas, the external factor is parenting care. Lack
of affection, trucullent attitude and apathetic behavior from parents will cause
emotional insecurity. That condition can make the children having difficulty in
learning process.
Objective :To identify the relationship between parenting care and nutrition status
with academic performance in SMP Negeri 13 Yogyakarta.
Method :This research was observational with cross sectional design. Research
was done in SMP Negeri 13 Yogyakarta. Subject of this study was students of grade
VII and VIII. Independent variablesare parenting care and nutrition status,
dependent variable is academic performance. Data of academic performance was
obtained from final scores on student�s raport, data of nutrition status from
measurement of weight and height based on age, and parenting care from
questionnaire. Analysis statistical was employed by using Fisher�s Exact test.
Result :Result of this study shows that 83,7% of the subjects got parenting care
democraticly, 59,3% had good nutrition status, and 86,1% were good at academic
performance. There is a significant relationship between parenting care and
academic performance, as indicated by P-value equal to 0,023 (p<0,05). However,
in this study, nutrition status has no significant relationship with academic
performance (p=0,062).
Conclusion :there is a significant or meaningful relationship between parenting care
and academic performance. There is no significant or meaningful relationship
between nutrition status and academic performance.