Περίληψη: | Intellectuals are in the lead of their nation advancement. But, intellectuals
have problems in themselves. Intellectuals are pressed by power. So, they often be
capital power's assets to reach the power's aims. Julien Benda called it intellectuals
betrayal. In modern time that close with democracy, intellectuals strived for: keeping
autonomy of science, and mediate the people to make a change. The change to wipe
off the injustice which made by the state or economic capital power. In all those
problems, a sociologist cum philosopher, Pierre Bourdieu, tried to make
understanding about intellectuals movement. On those problems, this research done.
This research attempts to: 1) explain the deepest problems of intellectuals, that is
dominated by government and people, 2) explain the Pirre Bourdieu's thinking about
intellectuals, 3) Find out the discourse about intellectuals problems by Pierre
Bourdieu that could be developed.
This research uses qualitative method and library research. The step in this
research are: inventory, classification, analysis-synthetic, and critical evaluation. Data
analyzed by using description, interpretation, internal coherence, holistic, and critical
Analysis result of this research discover that the state, intellectuals, and
society are in a linkage political interest. In that comprehension, when the
intellectuals pressed by capital power, their intellectualities can be pawned. Pierre
Bourdieu see that intellectuals dominated because of their capital weakness. Bourdieu
offers a concept named intellectual collective. But, that concept failed because of
leveling in scientific institution. However, intellectual collective emerge from
generative formula that consist of habitus, field, and capital. The generative formula
can be a new base for sociological science. Beside that, this research finds that
intellectuals should be placed as mediator among state-people interest. That thing is
drive to open a new understanding about science and intellectuals or scientists moral