Summary: | Flood phenomenon which happen on rainy season often times attacks urban area. Urban area is supported by infrastructure like water building such as strom drainage. Strom drainage in urban area has function to flow excess run off to the nearest water body soon in order not to inundate the city. Because of some factors strom drainage unable to retain the run off so that the location of research is faced by flood problem in some pieces of strom drainage. The purpose of drainage capacity evaluation is to observe whether strom drainage can retain design discharge on 2, 5, and 10 years return priod or not that cause flood problem.
The method which was used by doing rain analysis. Rain is important component that contribute the run off. Hourly rain data and daily rain data was used in rain analysis. Design rainfall was obtained from the Intensity-Duration-Frequency curve (IDF). IDF curve was determined from processing rain data used Log Person III distribution and Talbot formula. Design discharge was obtained by using Rational formula, and maximum capacity of existing strom drainage was obtained by using Slope Area formula. Then maximum design discharge was compared with existing drainage capacity.
The result of the research shows that only piece strom drainage 4 can retain design discharge at 2, 5, and 10 years return priod. Piece of drainage 1, 2, and 3 can retain design discharge for less than 10 years return priod.