Summary: | Youth is a person who belongs in transition period. During the transition
there is a crisis of identity, which is shown by various forms. One of them is
imagery of theirself through motorcycle style. It is not only occured to the urban
youth, but also occured to the rural youth.
In this research, the writer try to understand deepthly on corcern of new
culture among the youths in Desa Blado, Kecamatan Giritirta, Kabupaten Gunung
Kidul, Yogyakarta. It tells about youths culture in the way of using a motorcycle.
Motorcycle is a new thing for Blado Village. In the last 2006, Blado�s youth work
as the labour (glidik) in Yogyakarta City, Sleman and Bantul. Consequently, most
of them have motorcycles because of the distance.
In their daily activities, Blado�s Youths get an oppurtunity to face urban
tradition (pop culture) directly. Pop culture which is adopted by them is
manifested in motorcycle style. That culture is more interesting than riding style
in their village. As a result, it influences their attitude. Finally, as the rural youths,
they are influenced by the pop culture smoothly. Motorcycle initial function as
tool to transport people and goods from one place to another, it is turned into a
self-imaging tool Blado�s Youth. Blado�s Youth perform a variety of ways to
have a motorcycle, it is asked the parents to sell the land, cows and wood. The
Blado�s Youth do so, because they want to show to the public that they can
transformed like urban people. Blado�s Youth pour in choosing a motorcycle
brand and modify motorcycle parts to make it look more sriking than others in
their self-imaging style. Their style like changed the exhaust sound more jarring,
changed the racing wheels and paint colors replace the motor. In addition, by
having motorcycle the girls of the village may interested of Blado�s Youth.
Bought the motorcycle by using glidik�s wage, it�s show to the public if they have
an independence economic. In these case, motorcycle was changing, it is from
basic need the way to work into daily consumption. The consumption wich is
symbolic to watched by public to look at of Blado�s Youth identity.