Resumo: | This graduating paper discusses strange phenomena around the death of an important
figure in a certain rural-agricultural area in Great Britain. The phenomena are believed to
have close relatioship with a legend about an enormous black ghost dog which existed
within British late Victorian era society. In addition, this paper also presents the way of
thinking and attitude of the industrial society and the rural-agricultural society in Great
Britain during the late Victorian era.
Mimetic approach is applied in this graduating paper to provide evidence of how the
novel to a certain extent reflects the legend about the black ghost dog which existed within
Great Britain, and also the differences in the ways of thinking and attitude towards the
phenomena considered as supernatural. Moreover, in order to explain why such differences in
viewing a particular legend exist, Sudjarwa�s theory on cultural lag in addition to Dyson�s
theory on the factors causing inter cultural similarities and differences are also applied.
The results show that the legend about hellhounds or blackdogs as presented in the
novel is common throughout areas in Great Britain. The creature is called by different names
in different areas. Furthermore, the results also show that the two types of society have
different ways of thinking and attitudes towards the phenomena. Even within the industrial
society itself, different ways and attitudes can also be found towards the same phenomena.
These reflect to a certain extent the paradoxical conditions within the British society during
the late Victorian era. Besides, geographical factor, historical factor, and different views of
life also cause the differences to happen.