This research is about the development of sushi in Yogyakarta. Sushi is one of Japanese traditional food, in form of rice that mixed with vinegar and other ingredients. Sushi has become popular throughout the world, including Indonesia. This popularity shows the globalization of sushi, which sushi h...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: , ELLYZA CRISTIN MEGASARI, , Sri Pangastoeti, S.S., M.Hum.
Format: Thesis
Published: [Yogyakarta] : Universitas Gadjah Mada 2013
Summary:This research is about the development of sushi in Yogyakarta. Sushi is one of Japanese traditional food, in form of rice that mixed with vinegar and other ingredients. Sushi has become popular throughout the world, including Indonesia. This popularity shows the globalization of sushi, which sushi has been loved worldwide. Sushi has been popular also in Yogyakarta. Based on the analysis conducted, it can be concluded that sushi has been popular in Yogyakarta started from 2011. It can be seen from some sushi restaurants that have started their business since that year. In its development, there are some factors that played some roles, as a supporting factor for sushi to be welcomed by Yogyakarta�s people and as a medium for spreading of sushi�s information. Internal factors are the owner�s reasons for opened sushi restaurants and consumer�s reason why do they consume sushi. External factors are sushi modifications, mass media and internet influences, and introduction from family or friends. These factors are related one to each other. The prospect of sushi restaurants in Yogyakarta is considerably well, but innovations are still needed in order to maintain the business� continuity.