Summary: | This research concern about training management in KPI Mina Kepis, Burikan vilaage,
Mlati, Sleman. Focus of this research is : �Training Management in KPI�s Human Resousrces�.
Research methods for this studies is qualitatine method with case study approach. One of the
reason for this case study research is �The KPI Mina Kepis is the only one KPI who implement
one stop service of budgeting in Sleman�. 8 key informans has been interviewed (depth-
interview), thay are Head of KPI, Secretary of KPI, Financial Treasure of KPI, Member of KPI,
Consument of KPI, Field Extension Worker of KPI, Field Extension Worker of Holcim Tuban,
and Member of KPI�s woman. On the other hand, was conducted with several object observation
such us head office of KPI, market and growing�s pools, environtment of KPI, head of village,s
house, and Department of Agriculture, Fishery, and Forestry Sleman�s Regency.
According to data collected, final result of the research is KPI Mina Kepis implement the
appropriate training management. This research find that training management give
contribution for KPI�s Mina Kepis productivities. It can be seen from increasing level of KPI�s
Mina Kepis revenue, human resource�s skill, employee satisfaction and motivation. Hence,
training management one of supporting system for KPI Mina Kepis development.