Summary: | Kabupaten Gunung Kidul is one of the districts that has focused programs in the field of tourism . Caves and beaches are promising tourism assets since there are dozens of potential caves and beaches as Kabupaten Gunung Kidul Government is developed to be the top tourist site destination. Local and foreign tourists are in need of a tool that can provide information on tourism of caves and beaches in Gunung Kidul. Such facilities may include an interactive map that comes with information about the facilities, road direction regarding the caves and beaches . The purpose of this project is to produce an interactive web map of the cave and beaches using GeoServer and Leaflet.
Information about tourist caves and beaches featured in this interactive map were obtained from Gunung Kidul district tourism office and from field survey results. The data were then compiled into a files and related information. This interactive map using GeoServer software that serves as the publisher of the online map and Leaflet software as an interactive visualization tool. This interactive map is making use of web programming languages such as JavaScript, PHP, XML, and HTML.
The results of this project will provide convenience for users. These include the convenience to make the users easy to find a general overview of the caves and beaches as well as make it easy for users to go to the location because this interactive map equipped with a routing function and narrative road direction to get to the tourism location.