Summary: | District Gunungkidul is one of the five districts in the province of Yogyakarta
special region, that is one district buffer crops in the province. The increasing the
number of the population will affect the amount of food needs as well as reduce
production, an area of land so the need of a solution if there food scarcity. The
aim of this research is to know adequate calories Gunungkidul, the people in the
district examine the potential of non rice of food production to compensate the
availability of rice in the county of Gunungkidul, and knowing variation spatial
plant carbohydrates non rice in the county of Gunungkidul.
The methods used in this research is a survey method using a secondary data
source with data from BPS, Gunungkidul in numbers. The analysis used the
analysis of qualitative and quantitative description in my room. Ketercukupan
calculation of calories with calorie needs and availability in each district. This
study uses assumptions that each resident needs the same caloric and non-staple
products rice planting is also only consumed by residents in the district.
This research result indicates that need for calories in thousand gunungkidul
highest namely sub-district Wonosari, while availability calories rice highest
populated sub-district semin and availability calories non rice highest in subdistrict
saptosari. Adequate calories according to sub-district in thousand
Gunungkidul overall able to fulfill a need caloric. Yet there was sub-district
incapable of adequate, namely sub-district wonosari, because land area
agricultural districts be reduced. Next in spatial, food crop non rice have a
tremendous potential in fulfillment food shortages rice in thousand Gunungkidul