Summary: | This research aimed to analyze the addition of albumen and drying
temperature on the quality of powdered probiotic yoghurt using foam-mat
drying method. Yoghurt was made by 5% (v/v) of Streptococcus
thermopilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus as the starter on 1:1 (v/v) ratio,
and added by 2% of (v/v) Lactobacillus casei. Maltodexstrin as stabilizer
was added 0.5% (w/v). The treatmens were addition albumen i.e. 10, 15%
(w/v), and yoghurt without albumen as a control. Yoghurt was drying in the
oven at different temperature: 50, 60, and 70
C. Quality analysis of
powdered yoghurt included: 1) microbiological parameters (total amount of
lactic acid bacteria and probiotic) 2) chemical quality (moisture, pH, acidity,
and protein content) 3) physical quality (solubility). Data of quality were
statistically analyzed by completely randomized design 3 x 3. The
significant data was futher analyzed by Ducan�s Multiple Range Test
(DMRT). The result show that 0, 10, and 15% (w/v) of albumen addition
were increased (P<0.01) protein content. The average of protein content
were 26.10±0.99