Summary: | The area of Gadjah Mada University is an education area with the highest
number of students in Indonesia, which most of them are using private vehicle to
go to campus. The development of Gadjah Mada University in accordance with
master plan 2005-2015 which aims to create a comfortable education area and
able to reduce the mobility of private vehicle in the campus area. The walkable
campus planning becomes a solution for transportation integration problems
which can make people are interested to walk.
This Walkable Campus Plan used some methods, which are comparation,
obeservation and analysis. Comparation method used best practice as benchmark,
observations means the researcher do a direct survey in field and also used other
kinds of approaches.
The result of the plan is an alternative to reduce the number of using
private vehicle and encourage students to use pedestrian facilities in campus
area. The efforts to establish walkable campus are using various types of
variables such as special roads, support vehicles, transportation integration,
parking, landmark and attraction.