Summary: | In order to control the number of vehicles, UGM enforces a new policy for all of the new
students where driving private vehicles into the university area is no longer allowed.
However this policy hasn�t been working quite effectively to control the increasing
number of private vehicles inside the university area. A new policy corresponding to this
situation is made by planning designed parking system. There is a need in building a
parking lot as a supporting facility in UGM. This research aims to decrease the number of
vehicles inside Gadjah Mada University�s Faculty of Engineering�s area as an educopolis
campus. Educopolis campus is the campus environment conducive to the learning
The first step is to survey to get all data needed in this research. After all the primary and
secondary data collected, then the next step is to data processing. The next step is to
analyze the data to achieve parking area required. The analysis is based on Pedoman
Teknis Penyelenggaraan Fasilitas Parkir of Departemen Perhubungan Direktorat Jenderal
Perhubungan Darat (1996). Some conditions will be assumed while planning a parking lot
design, such as when the demand of parking space is different in each condition, such as
when UGM has been educopolis.
The result shows that when the policy is enforced, the percentage of motorcycles in the
area of Faculty of Engineering is only about 8 percent, bicycle being about 32 percent,
while the remaining 60 percent being used by pedestrians. The designed parking lot�s
location will be constructed on the land next to Forest Biology with area of 2,179.8 m².
The designed parking lot is applicable to allocate motor vehicles when the university is
also apply.