Summary: | Background: The Indonesian government has a target to reduce the maternal
mortality to 102/100.000 live births by 2015. According toMaros District Health
Profile of 2012, every year there is alittle fluctuation in the maternal mortality
rateeven though the maternal and child health coverage is made available at the
health center level.
Objective: Description of the availability of Personnels, facilities, costs,
programs and maternal health care access and health linkages and non-health
workers (TBAs) with K4 scope, Pn in Maros district is done through the SAM
Method: This study is a descriptive analytical study with cross sectional
designusing the Method known as Service Availability Mapping (SAM) and
application such as the Health Mapper. Data�s were obtained through
questionnaires and secondary data. The study population included all the health
centers including the health care workers associated with maternal and child
health program in Maros district in South Sulawesi Province.
Result: Distribution pattern of health care centers with the categories of
healthcare and non- healthcare workers are still less which is 85.71 % while the
non-medical personnel (traditional birth attendants) ie 42.86 %. On the basis of
distribution of health facilities, as much as 57.14 % health centers were found to
have less health care personels including non health care personnelsand on the
basis financial assistance to maternal and child health program 64.28 % maternal
health centers were to found to be not adequately funded. On the basis of
Accessibility of health services for mothers 71.3 % health centers illustrates the
farthest village health centers that still have difficulty in accessing. Based on
available resources and the achievement of coverage targets K4 and Pn with visits
to both categories namely - 4 ( K4 ) is (64.28 %) health centers and delivery
services are available (Pn) in (57.14 % ) health care centers. According to the
aforesaid bivariate analysis it shows there was no association between the
availability of health personnel towards achieving coverage of K4 ( 0.66 > 0.05 )
and Pn (0,69 > 0,05).
Conclusion: By SAM method, in order to describe the distribution of resources
and accessibility of maternal health programs, there is a strong need of equitable
distribution of health resources and services by health care workers required by
the the mothers according to the needs and expectations. So the availability of
resources is not always followed by good coverage or less coverage but because
there are a lot of other factors that affect service utilization.