Resumo: | The research of emulsion breaking with salting method in sludge heavy
phase has been done. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of
NaCl toward the emulsion stability, determining the critical micelle concentration
(CMC) point, and optimizing the amount of NaCl (weight % b/b) to produce the
optimum of palm oil that can be separated. Separation of the oil contained in the
sludge heavy phase was conducted by extraction method using n�hexane as a
solvent. The electrical conductivity (DHL) of the sludge was measured to
determined the CMC point. The chemical and physical properties of the oil were
analyzed including free fatty acid (FFA), water content, peroxide value, spesific
weight, viscosity, and colour. The fatty acid composition of the oil was analyzed
using GC�MS method.
The results showed that the NaCl could break the emulsion. The CMC
point was achieved at levels of 10 wt.% NaCl. The optimum NaCl ammount was
10 wt.% with oil recovery of 0.21 wt.%. The palm oil showed the FFA value of
0.29%, the water content was not detected, and specific weight of 0.91 g/mL
(followed the SNI 01�2901�2006). The oil has a yellowish color. The peroxide
value and viscosity was 5.43 meq/g and 62.1 centipoise (did not followed the SNI
01�2901�2006). The results of GC�MS analysis showed that the composition of
free fatty acid in palm oil was palmitic acid, stearic acid, and oleic acid of 31.88%,
30.14%, and 23.91%, respectivelly.