Summary: | The aim of this research were to determine characteristic of parasite
Gyrodactylus sp., prevalence incidence, spreading infection to several of fish species,
biological control, and also effectiveness of chemotherapy with NaCl. The characteristic
of Gyrodactylus sp. was analyzed on descriptive from natural infection. Observation of
prevalence and incidence were performed from 6 (six) location nursing and growing
ponds around DIY and were analyzed using ANOVA. Infection of Gyrodactylus sp.,
employing of biological control, and treatment with NaCl were conducted at laboratory
of Fish Disease under completely randomized design (CRD) and was analyzed using
ANOVA. Infection of Gyrodactylus sp. was performed by cohabitation of infected catfish
juvenile with mini guppy, synspilum, gourami, tilapia, carp fishes. Employing of
biological control were conducted by addition mini guppy, synspilum, and carp fishes
into catfish juvenile rearing tanks. The control with NaCl was done with immersion at
dose 0