Summary: | This research aims to analyze the contents of the magazine on ornamental plants
rubric Trubus Magazine. Object of this study is an ornamental plant in the magazine
section Poster period of . or 12 edition. Of each edition are taken two sample articles,
so the overall sample obtained 24 articles. This study used quantitative content analysis
method. Data analyzed were using frequency distribution tables and Chi Square
The results showed that the tendency of information that appeared in
ornamental plants rubric on Trubus Magazine is 1) the non-information science and
technology for topic categories, 2) ornamental plants outdoor for ornamental plants
type, 3) production, harvest, and marketing to agribusiness category 4) information that
is informative and entertain for category information rendering techniques, 5)
Information in the form of information feature in the category of information format,
and 6) determinized information content in rubric ornamental plants on Trubus
Magazine were dominated a combination of the five elements namely significance,
timeliness, magnitude, proximity and prominance, Chi-Square test to prove the
dominance of form or presentation of technical information on each of the above