Summary: | The purpose of this study is to knows (1) the merchants perception of comfortable, ease and
safety aspects in Niten black market, Bantul, (2) consumer perceptions of comfortable, ease and
safety aspects in Niten black market, Bantul. (3) recent condition assessment of Niten Black
Market according to Kepmenkes RI Nomor 519/SK/VI/2008 tentang Pedoman Penyelenggaraan
Pasar Sehat.
This study uses qualitative descriptive with purposive sampling methods. The variables are
distance, domicile, income, crime, roads access, transportation, and sanitation. Data were
collected with indepth interview and primary survey techniques, using research tools such as a
checklist and questionnaire. The data focused on information retrieval based on the perception
of merchants and consumers in the Niten black market, Bantul.
The results of this study indicate that: (1) the merchants perception of the existence of Niten
black market are 96,7% felt comfortable, 100% safe, 100% ease of access, 100% earn profits in
this market. 6,7% Merchants gain profits between (rp) 25.000-50.000, 46,7% gain 50.000-
75.000, 40% gain 75.000-100.000 and 6,7% gain over 100.000 profits