Summary: | The author would like to learn about the conditions and registration process
authors can apply Grants of up to life in the community who need assistance in
grant registration and get to know what the obstacles faced .
Subjective purpose of Field Work Practice is one of the prerequisite course
authors can earn the title of Associate Member of the Law of Legal Studies
Program Diploma 3 Vokasi School University of Gadjah Mada , while the
purpose of Oyektif so the author can understand in kompeherensif , the correlation
between theory and practice of the law, which eventually also help author in the
world of work . Benefits of Fieldwork Practice for authors to embed direct
knowledge gained during lectures and compare with the statement found in the
field to add insight and knowledge to prepare themselves both theoretical as well
as practical , and gain experience and training in the face of a problem in
employment up , increase the ability to analyze problems in a scientific , practical
, and efficient . And increased vision to think .
Inferred Notary and PPAT is a profession which together act oktentik making
authority and responsibility but for different purposes. While the meaning of the
Agreement is An event where another or where two people mutually pledge to
implement a case . While the meaning of the Grants is an agreement by which the
penghibah , at the time of his life , with no charge, and with an irrevocable ,
surrender the need to use something that penghibah to delivery . Grants can be
registered if registration requirements and procedures are met and stated the letter
from the Office of the graduation and BPN can dikabulkannya Grants Registration
is in accordance with the provisions of applicable laws and regulations.