Summary: | One of the elements forming the pavement is asphalt. Asphalt in Indonesia
usually use PT Pertamina�s asphalt who produced from crude oil through distillation
process. Pavement increasingly growing rapidly, cause thought to reduce the use of
asphalt PT Pertamina with the use of alternative bio-asphalt.
Bio-asphalt produced from the distillation of liquid smoke. Liquid smoke is
derived from the pyrolysis of oil palm shell. Asphalt mixing samples starting from
1% bio-asphalt mixing with asphalt PT Pertamina 99% up to 10% bio content of
asphalt with each 1% interval. Asphalt that has been mixed phase testing is then
performed penetration tests, density, melting point and ductility. The tests aim to get
asphalt that meets the minimum limits of some of these tests and obtained the 1%
bio-asphalt that meets the requirements.
To find out what percentage of asphalt required on testing marshall immersion
is used to find the optimum asphalt content. This test is made of asphalt content
variation ranging from 4% - 7% with each interval and gained 0.5% bitumen content
of 7% by looking at the value of VIM, VFA, stability, flow and marshall quotient
(MQ) are eligible but ignores the value of VMA because there is no qualified.
Testing marshall immersion as a test to obtain the value of residual resistance
index is obtained from the value of the optimum asphalt content is expressed as a
percentage of the value of bitumen contained in the test specimen and the asphalt is
asphalt mixture with 1% percentage of bio-asphalt and asphalt PT Pertamina 99%.
Pulverization carried 50 times for a number of traffic characteristics of the medium.
The results stated residual value of resistance index (IKS) for 60.4% of the required
minimum of � 75% that required further testing.