Summary: | One phenomenon that can cause disturbances in electrical power system is transient. This is because of the high pressure due to increased current / voltage during transient. Motor starting often causes this phenomenon resulting an increased number of current that increases the line voltage drop. This study aims to determine the effect of RLC addition at the beginning of a motor starting regarding to motor starting current and voltage. The expected outcome of this research is decreasing the starting current of the motor so that the negative effects of the voltage drop can be decreased.
This study was done by starting the motor directly (direct online start) and noted the value of the motor starting voltage and current. In the starting circuit, series RL and paralel C relatively to motor are added. The RLC is varied with all possible combinations so that it can be seen the effect of each component. The study was conducted in two conditions: no-load and loaded.
From this study, it can be concluded that the greater the series value of resistance and inductance, the less the average value of motor starting current and voltage. With L=218,6 mH and C=8 μF, the values of starting voltage and current are: 70,57 V 1,97 A for R=5 Ω