Summary: | Teak plantation forest with rotation of the 60 years has a risk of damage
to reach the age of harvest ready. This condition can affect the stumpage potential
and value. The aim of this study was to assess the implementation of the
multirotation in yield regulation consedering the risk of damage factor.
This research was conducted in BH Banyuurip and BH Randublatung
each indicating light and heavy damage. Damage risk factors were approached
from the latest 5 term data series. Multirotation scenario was based on the casualty
per cent, the degree of interference damage. The multirotation stand value was
counted for every sortimen and firewood.
The result of this research showed that the risk of damage (casualty per
cent) of KU I to reach the age of harvest ready was 54.4%, or 1.2% in average per
year in BH Banyuurip and 72.3% or 1.9% year in BH Randublatung. The
planning of multirotation in BH Banyuurip was between 26-91 years and 25-67
years in BH Randublatung. The multirotation stumpage value was higher than the
methods applied in Perum Perhutani with timber stumpage value of Rp
1,405,799,481,669.00 and Rp 862,836,894.00 of firewood in BH Banyuurip,
while in BH Randublatung Rp 670,328,817,694.00 of total construction timber
and firewood of Rp 586,090,799.00.