總結: | Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) is supporting device for power
harvesting on Solar Power Generator. This system means to optimalize power transfer
from solar panel array to battery. Power transfering process shown in solar panel
characteristic as I-V curve. This curve depends on weather condition, such as
temperature and irradiation level of the sunlight. Each curve has a point when the
maximum power transfering happens, the coordinate is (Vmpp,Impp). This point called
the Maximum Power Point. MPPT algorithm is used to track the Maximum Power
Point, then convert it into operational voltage which is Vmpp voltage with buck
converter circuit using switching mode PWM.
The purpose of this research is to design hardware of MPPT system based on
Atmega16 microcontroller. This system implements combination of Constant Voltage
and Perturb & Observ algorithms. To control the output voltage, fuzzy logic system is
used to determine the value of PWM. This value of PWM determine the duty cycle on
buck converter circuit to decrease the input voltage from solar panel to Vmpp voltage.
This reseach began with devising buck converter circuit, then followed by devising the
reading voltage and current and its software, then devising the implementation of
tracking algorithm and fuzzy logic control method of Tsukamoto on C language using
AVRStudio4 IDE, and the last is total devising of MPPT hardware and its trial. The trial
has been done at the frontyard of Center for Energy Studies Office of UGM.
The conclusions of this research are