Summary: | Restaurant Bakso Titoti is one of the culinary businesses in Wonogiri City that
sell the meatballs as the main menu. System sales at restaurants Bakso Titoti still using
manual systems in a transaction of sale and processing of sales reports are still being
published with handwriting. This allows an error occurs in a transaction of sale and will
be influential in the processing of the report.
Based on the above issues, then created information system sales at Restaurant
Bakso Titoti, this system is designed to use DAD'S context, level 1, 2, and 3, and its data
base design used an ERD, while implementing it using CSS, Javascript, PHP, and
Information system sales at Restaurant Bakso Titoti can reduce errors in data
processing and capable of processing Sales transactions in all branches of restaurant
Bakso Titoti. The information provided in the form of information, information,
information branch the cashier, sales transaction information, daily and monthly sales