Summary: | Steam power plant that uses coal as fuel is widely used in Indonesia. This
system uses the Rankine cycle which makes high-pressure steam as the primary
energy source. With the increasing electricity consumption, the efficiency of the
generation system needs to be improved. Analysis of performance of main
components of the power plant needs to be done to determine the efficiency of the
system and to determine factors that can affect the efficiency, so that efficiency
can be improved. The main components of this power plant is feedwater pump,
boiler, steam turbine, and turbine condenser .
The study was conducted in Tanjung Bara power plant owned by PT Kaltim
Prima Coal (KPC), in the province of Kalimantan Timur. Analysis of
performamce of pumps by using the Bernoulli equation, boilers with a direct
method/ output - input and an indirect method in according to USA Standard
AMSE PTC - 4-1 Power Test Code Steam Generating Units, steam turbines by
using the unjuk kerja equation, and condenser with LMTD and ε - NTU methods.
From the analysis of the data, obtained an average efficiency of 53 % pump,
boiler efficiency with direct method is 42.65 % and indirect method is 88.78 %,
the average efficiency of the steam turbine is 74.002 %, and with the LMTD
method, the average heat transfer coefficient of the condenser to inner diameter of
the pipe Ui is 3018.8 W/(m
C) and the outside diameter of the pipe Uo is 2822.3
C) and with the ε-NTU method, the average heat transfer coefficient of the
condenser to inner diameter of the pipe Ui is 3598.4 W/(m
C) and the outside
diameter of the pipe Uo is 3364.2 W/(m