Summary: | Breast cancer is a malignant tumor in the breast tissue, and is a type of
cancer that suffered by many women in Indonesia and the world. In addition to
causing undesirable effects, these diseases also cause a great economic loss. One
of the therapies for breast cancer is chemotherapy. The purpose of this research is
to estimate the total of direct medical costs on patients with breast cancer who
received chemotherapy, large of cost components required, and the factors that
affect the amount of the cost.
Research is done by the descriptive non-experimental design, with the
technique of collecting data in a retrospective from the medical record and
payment data of patients. The subject of this research is the patient with breast
cancer who get chemotherapy, undergo hospitalization in RSUP Dr. Sardjito
Yogyakarta during 2012, and in accordance with the criteria of inclusion and
exclusion of research. The analysis is performed by calculating all the cost
associated with inpatient care to treat the condition of breast cancer and
chemotherapy spent by the patients, based on cost perspective of the hospital.
Cost data is then analyzed to obtain a description of total cost and cost component
that needs to be spent, and to analyze the factors that affect the amount of the total
cost by Kruskall-Wallis and Mann-Whitney statistical test.
Based on the result of the research, there are 201 case with 69 patient who
meet the criteria of inclusion of the subject of the research. The average of total
cost of patients per chemotherapy cycle on this research is Rp 5.670.996,92 ±
5.866.675,99. Cost components of the total cost is the cost of drugs and medical
goods, medical action costs, the cost of supporting diagnostics, the cost of visite,
cost of nursing, accommodation costs, the cost of ICU and ICCU, cost of
Emergency Room, cost of IP2S/CSSD, cost of blood transfusion, cost of the
oxygen service, cost of nutritionist, administration cost, and other cost.
Components of the cost of medicines and medical goods had the largest
percentage of the average total cost of therapy (69.30%). Factors that affect the
amount of total cost are the age of the patients (p = 0,003), breast cancer stage (p
= 0,000), chemotherapy regimen (p = 0,000), the presence of another disease (p =
0,000), length of stay in hospital (p = 0,000), room class of hospitalized patients
(p = 0,000), and the payment line of the patients (p = 0,000).