Summary: | Today, the world population is increase at an alarming rate, so does the
demand for liquid fuels in the transportation sector. The using of biofuels as
source of alternative energy has been done in developing and developed countries.
Likewise, Indonesian government which publishes the policy for blending
premium fuel amount of 10% through Presidential Decree (Perpres)No. 5/2006
andInpres No. 1/2006.
The reason of selecting microalgae as the source of bio - ethanol�s material
because it has a rapid growth rate, do not compete with food plant and do not
contend with agricultural land for cultivation in the sea. Design of this bioethanol
productionreactor use three main processes, there are acid hydrolysis,
fermentation and purification (distillation and dehydration). Energy calculating is
the loaded energy which required producing bioethanol with100 liters capacity
each time production for 4 days.
The needed energy is a daily load component of operating reactors but does
not include the heating load because the heating load in this system which use
natural gas. So that, the load requirement which supplied by solar system is 36
kWh, the chosen of solar cell system is the off � grid system, because the
production process runs continuously, so it takes an independent source.In
addition to, the off� gridsystem has more stable capacity. Based on the installed
modules is required Panasonic module HIT - VBHN240SA06 type 35 pieces , 1
Fronius IG Plus V inverter , 1 piece Charge Controller Xantrex XW - MPPT80
600 and Concorde Sun Xtender battery 84 deep cycle battery 255Ah PVX - 2580L