Summary: | Black rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars Cempo Ireng is one of the original local
rice in Yogyakarta. This rice contains anthocyanin and iron but has a long harvest
period. The harvest is closely related with flowering time. Ehd1 is one of the genes
involved in the induction of flowering. The gene promotes flowering through the
upstream gene of Hd3a dan RFT1. Hd3a and RFT1 are the key gene of flowering
genes. The expression of Ehd1 gene is an early indicator of flowering. The objective of
this research was to determine the temporal expression of Ehd1 in Cempo Ireng rice
The first method was planting Cempo Ireng rice cultivar in greenhouse Faculty
of Agriculture with cultivating media consist of paddy soil and manure (3:1). Then,
RNA was isolated from leave blades at 80, 91, 100, 109, and 120 DAS (Days After
Sowing) using TRIzol reagent and RNeasy Plant Mini Kit. RNA isolation results was
evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively. One µg of RNA was used for cDNA
synthesis using oligo-DT primers, ubiquitin and OsGF14 amplification was performed
as internal control, and Ehd1 amplified using specific primers. The results showed that
Cempo Ireng rice cultivar entering reproductive stage (heading date) at 118 DAS. The
results of RNA isolation qualitatively and quantitatively showed that the yield of RNA
isolation using TRIzol has a low ratio but high concentrations. While isolation with
RNeasy Plant Mini Kit produced RNA with high ratio but low concentrations. The
result of OsGF14 and ubiquitin amplification showed that both genes can be amplified
in all samples at various DAS. Ehd1 genes was expressed at 100 and 109 DAS. Ehd1
expression occured before flowering (heading).