Summary: | Infrastructure sector is the leading sector for the development of an area .
Sungai Tuak village is located next to Tanah Grogot city, separated about 80
meters by Kandilo river, in Kabupaten Paser, Kalimantan Timur, has lagged in
development compared to the city. Kandilo bridge was built to connect Sungai
Tuak village to the city , inequality of development between the two places will
bring socio-economic impacts for rural communities that are relatively weak in
terms of human resources than urban
Analysis was done by using descriptive analysis. The results of the
analysis showed the impact in the field of population , namely the return of some
of the villagers from the city to settle in the village, increased flow of people and
goods transportation , the surge of vehicle ownership , land ownership changes
from villagers to people from outside the village , land use change from
agriculture to residential land . The impact on the economy the increase in
consumptive nature, the increase in spending is greater than the increase in
income , the decline in village communities interest over the field of agrarian, the
lack of new economic activity for the community. The impact in social field
namely increased satisfaction of residents for living in the village , the decline of
the village�s environmental safety, increasing insight into the villagers as a result
of interaction with the citizens who participated increased . In the field of public
facilities and services , a surge in demand for services in the village
administration office , the smoothness of the public service because of the
increased accessibility of the village, and rising expectations of accelerated
development of the village.