Summary: | The duty of KPH Yogyakarta is to organize all of forest planning and
management in its area. The information source needed to improve the quality of
forest planning and management can be obtained through forest inventory. One of
the outputs of forest inventory is stand basal area (LBDS). The effectiveness of
forest inventory needs implementation of remote sensing supporting LBDS
The research was conducted in BDH Playen, KPH Yogyakarta. The
purposes of this research were to know the pattern of stand structure in BDH
Playen, determined the parameters of satellite imagery transformation used as
LBDS predictor variable, and construct LBDS prediction model based on imagery
transformation as predictor variable. The parameters of imagery transformation
applied are NDVI, EVI, OSAVI, and MSAVI2 could be used in LBDS prediction
model. In the sampling determination applied two stage sampling method and the
analysis used to obtain the equation of LBDS prediction is regression analysis
with the dependent variable is LBDS and the value of imagery transformation as
independent variable.
The stand structure in BDH Playen was evenaged teak stand. The
parameter of imagery transformation could be used as LBDS predictor variable
was MSAVI2 and LBDS prediction model was y = 3,2227 + 0, 6381x, where y
was LBDS and x was the value of MSAVI2, and validation test results are R2 =