Summary: | This research aims to 1) evaluate precipitation data from satellite estimates and
develop a daily rain gauge and satellite merging precipitation data, 2) identify the
spatial distribution of extreme precipitations based on merged rain gauge-satellite
precipitation data, and 3) identify the spatial distribution of flood susceptibility in
Central Java based on extreme precipitation distribution and land surface
characteristics. Daily precipitation data from 1998-2010 were obtained from rain
gauge stations from BMKG, while satellite estimates were obtained from TRMM
3B42. The data were merged using based on data assimilation technique using
successive corrections method. Extreme precipitation identification taken by
precipitation threshold, return period rainfall, and probable maximum
precipitation (PMP). The merging technique produces improved precipitation data
from the study area, especially in replacing missing daily data and area with low
station density. The results indicate that extreme precipitation occurs mainly in the
low lands and coastal areas. Moreover, extreme precipitation is in line with
highly susceptible area, especially in Tegal, Pekalongan, Kendal, Semarang,
Demak, Purworejo, Kebumen, Kutoarjo, Gombong, and Cilacap.