Summary: | Straw, stalk and paddy chaff were waste product from harvesting paddy.
Quantity of these waste was very much in Indonesia but the usage was not
maximum. Stalk, straw and paddy chaff contains hemicelulose, celulose and
lignin are high enough and have potential to make smoke liquid. Smoke liquid
have fungsionality as taste agent, coloring agent and aroma agent because contain
fenol and carbonil. One of the application of smoke liquid is at fried catfish
The aim from this research was to determine optimum concentration to
gain highest panelist�s scoring like of product fried catfish smoke. Determine
hemicelulose, celulose and lignin content from straw, stalk and paddy chaff and
it�s contibution to sensory attribut. Analysis that applied were analysis moisture
content, hemicelulose, celulose and lignin. Liquid smoke analysis were fenol,
carbonil and acid content. And sensory evaluation analysis were done to
determine the highest panelist pleasure. Attribut that being analysed were colour,
aroma, taste, tekstur/rubbery, and overall. Data analysis using varian analysis
(ANOVA) and continue with DMRT (Duncan Multiple Range Test) if there any
significant difference.
The result of this research showed that stalk had highest hemicelulolse
content, while at celulose an lignin highest contain was paddy chaff. Sampel that
most pleasure by the panelist was 1,5% concentrarion. While for variation of the
raw material the most highest rated was paddy chaff.