Summary: | Infertile egg can be derived form the egg with or without cock fertilize, however
in the aging process the egg can not hatch. Infertile egg can be consume without hatch,
including use as raw material in food processing such as bakery processing. Egg
functional quality have a role in food processing such as foaming agent and emulsifier
that often use in bakery industry, such as sponge cake processing.
In this study, variety of infertile egg that used separate by aging time (5, 7, and
10 days) and infertile egg without aging time as control. Yolk, egg white, or mix of two
of them was separated every variety, then analysis functional and chemical quality can
be done. Functional properties include viscosity, foaming capacity and stability,
emulsifying capacity and stability, soluble solid, WHC, and gel strength. At the same
time, chemical properties that analysis include formol value, photometry scanning.
Furthermore, infertile egg was used for making sponge cake, to use in hedonic test in
sensory evaluation.
Egg white have decreased in viscosity and foam stability, but foaming capacity,
WHC, and gel strength increased in a row with increasing of aging time. Whole egg
have decreased in viscosity, foaming capacity, and WHC. Whereas in egg yolk
decreasing factor happened in viscosity, emulsifying capacity, emulsifying stability, and
gel strength. In hedonic test, sponge cake which use infertile egg with 10 days aging not
significant with sponge cake which used fresh infertile egg (control).