Summary: | Problems found by Election Commission Bulungan District (KPUD) in the
General Election of 2010, is less accurate population data that impact on the data
inaccurate voter. Almost every implementation of the Election both the provincial
and district / city, the sensitive problem is that data is not accurate. Based on
these problems the validation and updating of voter data conducted to obtain data
on population and voter data that is valid and accurate.
The study was conducted in KPUD, the North Kalimantan province, with the
aim of: (1) to now the strategic role of KPUD in the validation population
registration, (2) to bind out the strategic role of KPUD in updating voter data, (3)
to now inhibiting factor the strategic role of KPUD in updating voter data, (4)
understand the strategic role of KPUD to find a solution, to address the factors
inhibiting the PDP process. The method used is the method of analysis of
secondary data and conduct in-depth interviews with key informants. These datas
are presented and interpreted, which further researchers can conduct inferences
to answer research questions.
The results showed that the population registration validation and
updating of voter data is a strategic role of KPUD. Associated with VRP, repair
and records prepared are included: Serial number, identity card number, NIK,
complete name, date of birth (age), sex, marital status, residence address, type
that carried the defect. The strategic role of Regional Election Commissions
(KPUD) in the PDP is did the recording: WNI aged 17 years or never married,
WNI whose status changed from TNI /POLRI into civil or otherwise, not
registered in the last election voter data, has died