Summary: | PT. Inti Indosawit Subur is a company engaged in plantation and processing of crude
palm oil (CPO) has a problem related to the effectiveness of the machinery / equipment caused
by the six big losses. This can be seen by the frequency of downtime is increasing all the time due
to the damage caused to machinery / equipment. Therefore, necessary measures are effective and
efficient in the maintenance of machinery / equipment to be able to cope with and prevent such
Stages in efforts to increase efficiency in the production of this company is by measuring
the effectiveness of machine / equipment using the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
followed by six big losses OEE measurements to determine the level of efficiency that is lost on
the sixth factor of six big losses. Of the six factors are then sought what factors contributed most
to the resulting lack of effectiveness of the digester press machine. With Pareto diagrams and
cause-effect diagram can be analyzed major problems that cause high losses that result in low
effectiveness digester press machine.Â
The data used is the data for the period February 5 to March 6, 2013, with four research
object digester press machine. During the period of availability ratio values obtained ranged
between 73.84% - 84.14%. For the value of performance ratio ranged between 85.68% -
87.38%. And result quality ratio values ranged between 97.44% - 97.65%, so the value of the
results obtained Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) fourth digester press machine ranged
between 62.39% - 71.53%. The machine with the highest OEE value is digester press machine 3
is equal to 71.53%. Of the four digester press machine entirely no machine that has a value
above the standard of world class OEE is 85% (Hansen, 2001). This research shows that
the breakdown of losses has donated the largest losses in the digester press machine is equal to
39.75%. Then followed reduced speed losses amounted to 34.25%, then setup and adjustment
losses amounted to 24.92%, and the final yield / scrap losses 1.07% of the total losses.