Sumario: | Asian palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) is a member of the order
Carnivore, but is renowned as a frugivorous animal. Anatomically, carnivore,
herbivore, omnivore, or frugivore, have different digestive system and different
innervation system. This study was conduct to elucidate the morphometry of
intestinum crassum and the presence and distribution of nitrergic nerve in
intestinum crassum of asian palm civet.
Three civets (300-400 g) were used on this research. Civets were
anestethized intra muscular with ketamine with a dose of 40 mg / kg, perfused
intracardially by NaCL 0.9% and then fixed on 10% formalin. Intestinum crassum
were prepared as whole mount preparation and cryosection preparation, and
stained with NADPH-d staining method.
The length ratio of coecum, colon and rectum to large intestine were 6.1%,
61.2%, 32.7%, respectively, were more similar to carnivore, than to herbivore or
omnivore. Nerve cell bodies in civet�s large intestine has round to oval shape with
unipolar, bipolar and multipolar dendritic processus. The average number of nerve
cell bodies per ganglion in cecum, colon and rectum were 15.0 ± 2.1