Summary: | Reform became a milestone of institutional and bureaucratic order of life in
Indonesia, where all stakeholders started demanding the delivery of good governance
of public sector organizations. Performance measurement into one of the tools to
realize the management of public sector organizations based on principles of good
This study aims to determine the achievement of the performance of a faculty
State University (PTN), namely the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
(FKIP) Lambung Mangkurat University. Performance measurement at the FKIP
Lambung Mangkurat University using variable financial performance, the
performance of community service, educational performance and teaching, and
research performance. In addition, to determine whether FKIP UNLAM has a
planning tool or program evaluation
This study uses a mixed (mixed method). This method consists of two phases,
namely the first phase of quantitative or hypotheses and then continued the second
phase is the qualitative phase to strengthen the hypothesis test results. Quantitative
methods using Structural Equation Models (SEM) with a variance approach, followed
by using a qualitative method of thematic content analysis of interviews to the
The results showed that all the variables of financial performance, the
performance of community service, educational performance and teaching, and
research performance has an influence on organizational performance FKIP UNLAM.
Education and teaching performance has a very high influence, while the
performance of research has least influence than 3 (three) other performance. Based
on the research also showed that organizational performance is influenced by the
Institutional Theory.