Summary: | Rocket is a launching vehicle generated by driving force. Because of the
working forces, in its movement a rocket experiences rotation. Motion of a rocket
is some time slow or fast so system censor is needed to detect the motion.
Gyroscope censor is used to detect the motion of the rocket. However, to detect
either the slow motion or fast motion accurately, a gain is needed complying with
the system.
In this research, gyroscope censor with multigain designing and testing is
conducted to detect rocket motion. Method used in this research is designing and
experiment in laboratory. Gyroscope testing and calibration is conducted using
Actidyn tri-axis simulator using Labview based GUI (Graphic User Interface).
Calibration process is conducted to compare gyroscope reading angle speed with
data in actidyn. Calibration parameter acquired is then simulated as calibration
factor and is applied in Labview 2012. Calibration factor application in Labview
is then tested with angle testing that is by providing angle motion treatment to
gyroscope with Actidyn tri-axis simulator.
From the testing result average calibration factor acquired for ADXRS150 is
1,07928036.While angle testing with single gain resulted RMSE value of
1,586270833%, with average of angle deviation of 2,24903 degree. On the other
hand angle testing with multigrain resulted RMSE value of 0,426675265% and
angle deviation avarage of 1,207975265 degree.