Summary: | Javanese culture provides understanding to the men in Surakarta, how to behave and
to be a man. Man, as an individual, in showing off his identity of masculinity
attempts to build self-image based on interaction space in which he resides. This
research explained the interpretation of hegemonic masculinities in Surakarta as the
part of gender-to-age category relation from symbolic interactionism perspective.
This study aimed (1) to find out the interpretation of masculinities manifested in man
symbol, attitude, and behavior, (2) the dimensions affecting masculinity
interpretation, (3) the transition of masculinity interpretation.
This research was designed as a qualitative research, based on single case of
masculinity interpretation by man in Surakarta. The analysis unit in this research was
man. Technique of collecting data employed was in-depth interview with interview
and observation guide. The data validation was done using source triangulation.
The result of research showed that masculinity interpretation manifested in man
symbol, attitude, and behavior in Surakarta was not singular. The dynamic of
masculinity interpretation in symbolic interactionism perspective indicated the
dominant subjectivity, meaning that masculinity interpretation was highly dependent
on subject and interaction space he was encountering. Javanese culture affected the
masculinity interpretation. Hegemonic masculinity was manifested through Javanese
Culture's masculinity construction maintained by media and state by emphasizing on
patriarchic construction. Having girlfriend and marriage is the momentum of the
man's life journey transitioning affecting the masculinity interpretation. The notmarried
man's masculinity suggested that his masculinity was positioned as free
individual, while the married one indicated the attachment of individual to the role
and position of man as the head of household.