Summary: | Magnetic levitation or maglev systems have been widely applied in
various fields that are beneficial to humans. Many applications use the maglev
system because of its contactless, faster and higher efficiency.
In this study, the conventional sliding mode control and global sliding
mode control were used to control a maglev system. First, a study on a simulation
using Matlab Simulink was conducted. Second, implementation research of the
actual plant. Sliding mode control was a method that is robust to disturbance and
parameter uncertainties. However, the sliding mode control has the chattering
phenomenon. In the implementation, if the chattering phenomenon was too-large,
the system become unstable due to the limited ability of the electronics
Sliding mode control will be robust when in sliding mode condition,
however not necessarily robust at attaining motion phase. In the global sliding
mode control, the attaining motion phase was eliminated so that the whole process
of the system response was robust. However, the value of the parameter
uncertainty needs to be limited. GSMC methods have better performance than the
CSMC methods because GSMC methods have a faster settling time which was
0.1 seconds while the CSMC methods have settling time about 0.2 seconds.
Additionally, when the system added disturbance and parameter uncertainties,
GSMC has lower the steady-state error which was 0.005 cm while CSMC has a
steady state error about 0.06 cm.