Summary: | Transformer insulating oil, which is still commonly used in Indonesia, is Shell Diala
B pertamina production is derived from petroleum. Vegetable oils (olive oil, palm
cooking oil, and a mixture of both) to be known as the suitability for transformer oil
were used in this study. Vegetable oils have some advantages over petroleum, which
are renewable, sustainable, not toxic, biodegradable, and environmentally friendly.
Parameters measured and tested were the values of breakdown voltage, at a
temperature of 28
C to 90
C with each increment of 20 ° C, flash point, pour point
and viscosity. The test results showed that the pure olive oil had the highest
breakdown voltage at 28
C and fit for use as transformer oil because it had a
breakdown voltage of 43 kV, which value was higher than the value of the test
method standard of IEC 156 i.e. � 30 kV / 2.5 mm. On all the oil, the temperature
rise caused an increase in the value of breakdown voltage, due to the reduction of air
bubbles in the oil. At a temperature of 90
C, olive oil still had the highest value of
breakdown voltage of 52.31 kV. The highest flash point on pure palm cooking oil
was 324 ° C which was higher than that of the test method standard of IEC 296 A
(> 140
C). The lowest pour point in the pure olive oil was -12
C according the test
method standard of IEC 296 (� -30 °C). While the viscosity of the oil composition
has almost the same value of about 40 cSt, according the test method standard of IEC
296 class 1 (� 11 cSt).