Summary: | Carbon black plant of heavy oil is design with a capacity of 100,000
tons/year through the furnace combustion process in the two pieces of furnace
reaktor, which are arrange parallel Gravley. The reaction occurs at a pressure of
9.914 atm at a temperature of 1200 to 1700 °C.
Heavy oil as fuel 126,914.8115 tons/year go into the reactor at 160°C by
heating steam which is using the heat from hot process gases. 1,563,084.6820
tons/year air for combustion are burn along with oil burning heavy fuel that
produces heat to vaporize the heavy oil feed to the cracking temperature of
1650 °C. The vapor of cracking heavy oil will become carbon black and hydrogen
gas and experience quenching with 249,502.3776 tons/year of water. Conversion
occurs at 90%. Cracking process gases with carbon black separated via cyclones
2-4 series parallel. Carbon black powder with molasses, then mixed in the surge
tank, and then formed into pellets in a pelletizer and dried by rotary dryer.
The plant will be establish in Balongan, West Java in the area of 120000
m2 including area for expansion with 131 people labor needed. Factory work
continuously for 24 hours a day for 330 days a year. Time to do the turn around is
35 days per year, including the time to start up and shut down.
From the evaluation of economic, the results are Rp 471,975,782,980.45 + U.S.
$ 69,248,894.23 of fixed capital, Rp 355,123,331,890.51 of working capital, Rp
1,123,811,825,682.89 of manufacturing cost, Rp 868,726,516,820.03 of general
expenses. Profit before and after tax are Rp 510,136,657,497.08 / year and Rp
255,068,328,748.54 / year. Pre-tax and after taxes of ROI are 43.81% and
21.90%. POT before and after tax are 1.86 and 3.13 years, and then 47.57% of
BEP, 29.79% of SDP, and 36.57% of DCFRR.
From the economic evaluation, it can be conclude that the carbon black
plant with a capacity of 100,000 tons/year is quite interesting to study further.