Summary: | The development of PLTN (nuclear power plant) in Jepara has long been
planned since 1972. There is Preparatory Commission for the Development of
PLTN (KP2-PLN), in 1989 there was the National Energy Coordinating Agency
(BAKOREN) that assign tasks to BATAN to search the site and feasibility study
of nuclear power plants (STSK-PLTN). The development of PLTN (nuclear
power plant) in Jepara is the beginning of the development of electricity using
nuclear energy owned by Indonesia. Invesment law of establishing of PLTN can
be seen on financing for each developing activity of nuclear energy for electricity.
Knowing any fund flow for establishing PLTN in Jepara, the fund flow is
included in investment law that can be seen detailly on part as follows: share,
equity or joint venture and so on. The writer wants to see direct investment that is
on the estblishing of PLTN through cooperation with AEAI. The investment view
can be seen from rules of investment, rules of capital market, rules of company,
rules of BUMN ( state-owned enterprises) and nuclear laws
The research method uses normative research that is library research such
as regulations of law, books, papers, and articles on mass media and others. The
material is taken through communication method by interviewing directly to
experts. Through inventory method is collecting, learning and analyzing many
library materials and document related to the researh objectives.
The establishing PLTN in Jepara has com to fix the location through the
regulations of the head of national nuclear energy agency no 395/KA/XII/2005
about the organization and work procedure of data monitoring unit and PLTN
environment. The rules of investment gives means to establish PLTN. Funding
becomes main reference on BATAN (National Nuclear Energy Agency) research
for establishing PLTN that is taken from cooperation with AEAI as an
international organization on nuclear. There are sources of fund for establishing
PLTN served by the rules of investment.