Summary: | Dlingo district lies at 7°48'45\"S - 7°54'40\" S and 110°24'19\" E - 110°28'16\" E
longitude. Dlingo district located about 25 km southeast of Yogyakarta. Landslides occur
several times in District Dlingo. Last landslide events occurred in Muntuk village which
resulted in two houses buried on January 3, 2013. This study aims to create a map of
landslide risks in the District Dlingo along with suggestions for mitigation. The study
includes mapping physical conditions, environmental conditions, land use and population
The study was conducted with the interpretation of topographic maps, regional
geological maps, and Rupa Bumi Indonesia maps. The study then combined with field
observations in the form of detailed geological mapping, landslide-prone locations, and
land use and population. The study was based on Regulation of BNPB No. 2 Tahun 2012
on General Guidelines for Disaster Risk Assessment. Analysis was performed using
Geographic Information System application ArcGIS 9.3 . Weighting factor score hazard,
vulnerabilities and capacities using Analytical Hierarchy Process with the help of the
software Expert Choice 11. Map compiled by the specific gravity of the threat of rock,
slope, structural geology, rainfall, seismicity and groundwater. Vulnerability map
prepared based on economic vulnerability, social, physical and environmental. Map
prepared by the capacity of institutional capacity, early warning, and evacuation paths
and countermeasures. Map compiled from the combination of the results of the risk map
of threats, vulnerabilities and capacities.
The results of the study in the form of detailed geological maps and thematic
geological maps. This map is then processed into a hazard map. Hazard map produced
three hazard zones, namely the high, medium and low hazard. High hazard zones located
in the village of Mangunan, Muntuk and Terong dominated by weathered breccia rocks
and steep slope. Medium and low threat zone composed of limestone and gentler slope.
Vulnerability map provide information three villages included in the zone of high
vulnerability, two villages included in the zone of moderate vulnerability and one village
being low vulnerability zone. Capacity map shows one village with a high capacity and
moderate capacity and four villages with a low level of capacity. Risk map shows zones
of high risk relevant to high-hazard zones. It can be said, the hazard factors play a greater
role in determining the level of risk of landslides. Mitigation measures that need to be
improved is making the evacuation in every village and repair instructions evacuation
route. Engineering technique that can be done by reduce the slopes and terraces
manufacture. These maps are expected to provide information of physical and
environmental conditions associated with landslides in order to assist in preparing the
Local Government system more effective disaster mitigation in Bantul.