Resumo: | The youth is the critical period of the healthy behaviour growth
because this period becomes te initiation period or the starting
point from them to formulate their own habit of doing the healthy
or unhealthy behaviour that will become the custom of their being
old.That is why, the research about the identification of the
factors that can influence adolescent healthy behavior is
important to be conducted to develop the healthy and to avoid
the unhealthy behavior of the adolescent. The data shows the
number of the indonesian adolescent unhealthy behavior
increases every year. This research is aimed at showing the
model of adolescent healthy behavior. the object of this research
is the adolescents who are around 15-18 years. They are
studiying at the senior high school in Malang. They are around
500 students. The research method is quantative method. The
data is analyzed by using structural equation model (SEM). The
finding of this research is theoritical model of adolescent healthy
behavior. It shows the growth of the adolescent healthy behavior
is influence much by adolescent�s attachment to mother, father,
peer, and self-esteem. These attachments are tought the coping
strategy foccussing on the problems. The adolescent healthy
behavior is directly influenced by the problem-focussed coping
whether the attachment to mother,father, peer, and self-esteem
in directly influence the adolescent healthy behavior. The
differences based on sex are found in one of the healthy
behavior dimention thet is nutrition, the adolescent attachment to
mother and self-esteem in which the adolescent woman shows
the highest adolescent man and there is no differences based on
sex for another varables.