Summary: | One of the necrotic pulp causes is anaerobic bacteria infection. Root canal
therapy needs to be taken by biomechanical preparation, NaOCl irrigation and
dressing with antibacterial agents, such as calcium hydroxide. The objective of
this study was to evaluate the influence of calcium hydroxide paste to the growth
of anaerobic bacteria and the acidity or alkalinity (pH) rate of the necrotic
deciduous incisors root canals treatments.
The study method is root canal treatments of 8 necrotic deciduous upper
teeth. During the treatments, calcium hydroxide paste dressings were applied on
the first, the eighth, the fifteenth, and the twentieth day. Anaerobic bacteria and
pH examinations from the root canals were taken on before dressing, the eighth,
the fifteenth, and the twentieth day.
The results are 5 of 8 teeth found Actinomyces sp. The first day was found
in 5 teeth (62,5%), the eighth day was found in 4 teeth (50%), the fifteenth day
was found in 1 tooth (12,5%), and the twentieth day no anaerobic bacteria were
found. Mean of root canal pH on the first day was 5,36, on the eighth day was
7,25, on the fifteenth day was 9,38, and on the twentieth day was 11,38. Friedman
test results showed a significant increase in alkalinity over time dressing (p<0,05).
It is concluded that anaerobic bacteria, Actinomyces sp. were found. The
more calcium hydroxide frequencies were applied, the less anaerobic bacteria
were found in the root canals. Increasing the frequency of calcium hydroxide
paste dressing, increasing the value of the deciduous incisor root canals pH.