Summary: | PP 6/2007 mandates the National Park transformation into Conservation
Forest Management Unit (CFMU), including Alas Purwo National Park
(APNP).This study is intended filling the institutional transformation because
CFMU still using institutional construction of APNP . This research aimed to : (1)
provide data and explanation of the current state of institution-building variables
of CFMU and stakeholder in APNP, (2) obtain data and explanation about
influence of the individual characteristic, transformational leadership, and
perception of design organization with attitude of good forestry governance
(GFG), (3) obtain the data and an explanation, firstly stakeholder management in
APNP, secondly stakeholder relations priorities, thirdly priorities of the
principles of GFG, (4) make the construction of institutional design and
implementation of regulatory requirements Alas Purwo CFMU. Using case study,
this study was conducted between November 2011 and May 2012. We perform
data analysis with univariate, multivariate, Analitycal Hierarkhi Process and
The research result show that variables of design organization of APNP,
GFG attitude, transformational leadership, individual characteristics and funding
do not reach the best categories and need improvement as a prerequisite to
become innovative CFMU. CFMU institutions are designed organically to
replace the mechanistic bureaucracy. Individual characteristics influence the
attitude of GFG as CFMU doctrine and become a major element of institutional
transformation. Individual characteristics will be driven by transformative
leadership that able to perform empowerment of all personnel. Funding is going
to use government funds and green partnership to manifest the independence of
the institution.
CFMU construction is a multi partnership organizations. PHKA and
society become a major force to guard the process of governance. Law certainty
and ecological norms animates the process of governance and executed
synergistically with socioeconomic norms, transparency, participation and
accountability as an operational guide of CFMU. The main indicators of
institutional success is Alas Purwo CFMU become patron of stakeholders and is
able to be model of CFMU in Indonesia. For running the CFMU, we should
revise UU No.5/1990, UU No.41/1999, PP 28/2011 and should make the
Permenhut of CFMU which consist of organization design, HRD, NSPK, funding,
partnerships and indicators of institutional succes.