Summary: | Chronic inflammation is immunity response due to persistence stimuli to the
tissue.This may provoke prolonged on proliferation and metaplasia that may lead to
malignancy. On the other hand this prolonged inflammation may have cytostatic
effect which only found in benign lesion. Macrophage produces this cystostatic
effect through the induction of nitrit oxide and TNFα. Radicular cyst and dentigerous
cyst are benign lesions ,where inflammation is one thing in their common,but their
significant difference is found in their aggresivity.
This study was aimed to elaborate the influence of inflammatory response to the
epithelial proliferation in radicular cyst and dentigerous cyst in MMP 9
immunohistochemical staining.This was a retrospective analytic study using 10
dentigerous cyst samples and 9 radicular cyst sample, which all had
immunohistochemical staining using antigen of MMP 9. The macrophage and
epithelial surface were scored and having their correlation tested in Spearman Rank
test (α <0.025). There was a significant correlation among those variables both in
radicular cyst and (r=-0.667/p: 0.023) and dentigerous cyst (r=-0.495/p:0.14).
Inflammatory response had 44,48% capability to influence the epithel proliferation in
radicular cyst while only 24 % in dentigerous cyst.
Inflammatory response influenced the epithel proliferation in cyst. The higher
response achieved the lower proliferation rate is produced. In this study, the influence
of inflammatory response to the epithelial proliferation on dentigerous cyst is smaller
than the influence of inflammatory response to the epithelial proliferation on
radicular cyst.