Summary: | The development of hospitalwill lead to health service industry,so that the
health services must be the primary focus. Information is very important role
because it is used in making strategic, technical and dynamic decisionsin the
Medical and doctor�s data that related to the patients in the hospital were
still processed manually, thus it takes a long timeto process the data to obtain the
information of the hospital performance indicators. So it needs an applications
that is capable to measure the performance of the Hospital and storing large
amounts of data. Data Warehouse application designed with star schema model
which is consisted of four fact tables facilitate the hospitaldirector, head
ofMedical and HealthServices analyzing data using OLAP functions. The results
indicate that the multidimensional data model enables easy analysis of the medical
data of the patients, easy measurement of the indicators of the health service of the
hospital, including ALOS, BOR, TOI, NDR and GDR by making use of OLAP
function and contour cube component.