Summary: | Organizations need a high individual performance in order to fulfill the
goal, to provide their products and services, and to achieve competitive
advantage. In health care industry, the quality of service is very
important. Employee performance which doesn�t meet with the company
demands is a problem that often arises. In many organizations, employee
performance is often influenced by the role of organizational culture and
ethical behavior of organization's leaders. The purpose of this study is to
investigate the roles of organizational culture and ethical leadership to
employee performance. The total amount of sample in this study is 77
respondents at Rumah Sakit X Yogyakarta with working period is more
than one year which selected using proportional random sampling
technique. Furthermore, multiple linear regression analysis used to see
the contributions of each variable. Organizational culture measured using
a scale based on the theory of organizational culture by Robbins. Ethical
leadership scale that developed by Brown is using to measure ethical
leadership, and job performance measured using a scale based on the
theory of work performance by Ivancevich. The hypothesis of this study
is organizational culture and ethical leadership are predicts to employee
job performance. The result of this study shows that both organizational
culture and ethical leadership are able to predict the employee
performance with F value at 5,090 and p = 0.008 (p <0,01). The
contribution of organizational culture and ethical leadership to employee
performance is around 12.1%.